Sunday, May 07, 2006

A weekend in general

So this weekend was pretty sweet. Friday i met Andrew, Alexander, Jordan, Megan... and another girl who i can't remember her name... any ways I met them at Mystic Java on 8th and then basically as soon as i got there we were off to the University... don't ask me why we went there but it was definatly a good time we wandered around on a sugar high because we definatly went and got slushes from the cove. so naturally we went and were dancing around to ring tones... haha that was definatly a good time... i think we scared this one girl cause she walked by us while we were dancing... there was also molesting of statues... running, and well basically doing nothing really.

saturday was basically a little more exciting i had to go to work so i got there and cut out early but thats nothing really new and then i came home and changed in to jeans and well then it was off to Raegans fashion show. which was actually really good, ohhhh those backstreet boys... hahah anyways so after that we dropped off Kate and Jess and me and Raegan went and grabbed some food from Kelsey's with my family because well it was a friend's 40th. after that we went and hit her cast party for the fashion show, and man am i glad i don't have to deal with anything like that any more... i cannot take all that damned drama. anyways after that we went to another house party cause i knew some people who really wanted me to come out with them but then Raegan knew one of the girls that was there and it didn't go over well so we ended up at timmy hoes with Adam and well just chilled there for a bit it was a good time.

and today being the glorious day of sunday is definatly not so exciting i got up and cleaned a little, my grandparents came over and i made supper and now i'm sitting here thinking how much i hate it when people don't call me... definately something that pisses me off... oh well this weekend has been random enough as it is. maybe i'm just ment to go through life alone? as i was talking to Graham how true it is when i said "i laugh at others misfortune to hide my own personal pain"

the one that got away....

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