Thursday, May 11, 2006

Stress relief

Ever had one of those days where no matter what happens everything seems to be good? yeah. i had one of those today. absolutly amazing. honestly. i was feeling kinda down lately because well guys are dumb, BUT! then yesterday it was my friend Katies birthday bash at the Duece. so naturally we were dancing up a storm as the only ones on the dance floor and man did it just feel good to let go. definatly just didn't care.

so after i got all hot n sweaty. Dancing people... just dancing. lol i went outside with... can't remember his name, ANYWAYS, he was hitting on me and i definatly didn't care why? cause i saw matty. thats right Mathew "Samual L. Jackson" Peterson! so i jumped up and hugged him. what else was i supposed to do? lol it's matty. anyways after going back inside and dancing some more and just being random and leading around a drunken Katie i found one hell of a hot guy to dance with... my story will end there. lol really. thats all there is. it was just an amazing night. and a thank you to the guy i danced with becuase i really needed what he offered.

O, what may man within him hide, Though angel on the outward side

1 comment:

startsky said...

blarg blarg blarg!

juan comes tomorrow.