Sunday, May 14, 2006

Fun filled Saturday night.

Well... last night was pretty random. lol. Nick from the lake called and i picked up Raegan and we went a played some pool. Saw Devin and Simon, and devins new g/f she's a lil cutie. lol anyways went back and ordered a couple of porn stars (the drinks guys) and then who should i see but freak Evan Newfeld... i'm pretty sure thats how you spell his last name... anyways talked with him for a bit and lol then i left and told him i would see him in like 5months. cause thats basically when i see him. lol

anyways me and Raegan left the hooker snatch and went to the rookie lacrosse party, Congrats Brennan on making Captain by the way anyways i took one of the drunken rookies to go get a slush nice guy, i think his name was Jordan, any how since Jason (a guy on the time) was attacking me and Raegan with an effing spatula we decided to book it. and well Raegan had to work early the next day, so then i called Sean and went to Bailey's. that was a pretty good time. saw my cousin April, my brothers ex girlfriend who i think is an absolute doll Ladeen. and one of Curts friends girlfriends. lol Carman. she's a sweety to. anyways my cousin April is hilarious when she is drunk.

but yes after a little drinking, and a lot of laughing i took Sean and his friend home, well... actually i dropped off his friend and then took him home cause we decided he shouldn't drive. and now here i am ready for lunch with my senile grandparents. i know thats kinda mean... but true. and i definatly still love them and their forgetfullness.

Dj won't you play this girl a love song...


Kate said...

hahaha that's not how you spell Evan's last name! Glad you guys had fun. Too bad you didn't come out to Jordan's it was fun!

jamie* said...

Baha. Senile Grandparents.
a) Yes... you gave me cancer
b) I still love you too! lol. Hope to run into you on 8th street again =P

startsky said...

michelle gives everyone cancer..
it just sort of happens.

jamie* said...

If she gives it...
Perhaps somewhere deep inside her blood or something is the cure.

I think Sara should run some surgical tests just to see.

Michelle... we'd name the cure after you... you wouldn't have been sliced open for no reason lol...

Okay i'm rambling here...

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!