Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Weekend ago....

Hokay... So!

haha. i think i'm funny... well okay so wednesday started off pretty good was a little tired... not to sure why but i was i even went to bed by like 11pm! i was amazed! lol anyways Katie won a vodka party and well we HAD to go. lol but yes we randomly recuited people to be in it with us cause we didn't feel like calling any one. meh. but yes... after doing what we usually do is wander around and talk to people we know there we started with the dancing... and Katie got drunk. not just her normal drunk... but drunk off of her ass drunk... not good. any ways so finaly i got fed up and wanted to go home so i started looking for her prolly close to around 12:45.... it took me till freaking 2am to find her and get her to leave. ohhh i was pissed.

so yesterday i was uber tired. i didnt' give a shit about anything. but as luck would have it i got to go home early and well i slept all after noon... till katie called like 3 times and woke me up... not happy again. but w/e. This was all after ditching out on Morgan to go to some concert i didn't really wanna go to. so the plan was since Katie NEEDED to get outta her house (she definatly owes me gas money) we ended up going to her friend Jordans house. so we chilled there and well since Katie had never been to the branch it seemed like a good idea at the time... BUT the line up was ASS MASSIVE! i stood there for like 3 min said hi to Matty Peterson and well basically just wanted to go back to bed. so i did! :D lol well after saying good by to Jordan and those guys.(really nice, really good looking) but yeah so i dropped off Katie after telling her i didn't have gas to drive her to Lorne ave to her other friends house and well basically curled up in bed... then my phone rang... it was Luke. lol gosh i was popular last night. anyways he just wanted to know if the concert i was supposed to go to was still on but i didn't know so it was all good.
but yes. I'm thinking a nice night at home tonight maybe... or i'll call Kate and be like i miss you lets mate. (Kate if you read this... we really should mate... not date. no no. MATE!)

Grown n sexy from your head down to your toes...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Rave to Rant...

Okay... So i know it's been a while but i've kinda been buzy-ish, and well my computer went down again. but i figure it's time for an update on the weekend at least...

So Thursday was the Branch and it was amazing, with the dancing and everything. I was just glad to get out with everyone. Mia, Sara, Kate! It was just an all around good time. considering the night before Sara, and myself went to the OD cause we won a Vodka party. and definatly danced the night away. as per usual. Friday was definatly a Pub Crawl. and now we have taken Sara's virginity for that. it was a good time. we even got pulled over buy the cops and i ripped a pair of pants for the second time in like 2 weeks. I need to stop doing that. lol and each time I was dancing... I'm hard core i guess!

then after the pub crawl i called Morgan and he came over even tho i was all drunk n such. but it was pretty good. I bascially fell asleep laying on him... i guess i snore? but then again so does he. HA! anyways. yeah then last night cause i was bored and alone all freaking day, that and he was drunk and i didn't feel like having him drive over to my house like that, ANYWAYS! we watched Chicken Little. gosh I love that movie. lol well actually I just love "Fish out of water" funniest thing of my life! but yeah... I'm going to switch from weekend re cap to rant.

Okay so here's the deal. as some of you may know I'm seeing Morgan... and I like him i do. and here's the but. well actually there are a few. so here goes. he's... i don't know how to explain it... i almost want to say immature. i know, i know... you should expect that but only to a point. if i'm sitting there and you start with the baby talk... i get a little weirded out. and thats only part of it. i really don't know. he just seems kinda clingy to. the boy sent me like 6 text messages while i was outside for 45min... but i haven't even been seeing him for a week and he's already like that? i like that he wants to talk to me but come on... i don't need an update each time you do something different.

i suppose thats why i'm in not such a good mood right now. i just kinda realized this... then i do what i always do when i'm home alone and need to just not be and think. i went driving. went over it all in my head. i like him i do... i just don't know if it's going to work. BUT! i'm not going to just drop it like it's hot. i'll hold off... see if things get better worse or stay the same. and i'm not sure if i want to say anything to him about it. cause if that's who he is... then thats who he will always be. *sigh*.

Is it all just an illusion?...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Oh no! I dropped my meat!

Soooo last night i definatly went out with Katie. Which started out pretty good. We went to see John Tucker must die! awesome movie. it's a chick flick most definatly but it's just so gosh darn funny. I mean don't get me wrong it's definatly predictable but still good and it has a few twists. And then we definatly went for McDonalds.

The phone call i got while we were in McDicks definatly suprised me. mainly because i wasn't expecting it. I met him at the OverDrive the other night and told him to call me. lol didn't think he would. but anyways yes "Love" called. Now i call him that because he's from Love, Saskachewan. anyways he definatly called. i was stoked. lol then laughed cause he used the whole 3 day rule. silly boy.

back to the story. Katie and I proceeded to the Duece because well where else do you go on a tuesday? but yes it kinda went down hill and back up and down a little... well you get the idea. it went down because she was being all weird and clingy and then it was good cause i saw a bunch of people i haven't in a while. Travis, Scotty to hottie, Steve I, Cropper, my cous Javis, Rich. hahah that was a good time just talking with all of those guys. but then i lost Katie and had to go find her. ugh. so finally i just wanted to go home but on our way to the car who should we see but Timmy Hanstock. lol so i gave him a ride home. Then it was crash time which is what i did when my head hit the pillow. was out like a freaking light.

all n all it wasn't a stellar night... it wasn't a total bust. it was definatly a so so kinda night which i'm okay with. mind you i think i need a little me time lately just because i've been going out so freaking much. i either need to find a guy that'll last more than like a week or i need to just stop going out completely! which both might happen. lol or at least i'll stop going out. but yes. I think i just need to stop having such a hecktic kinda life and be simple for a while.

I think i need to take a little me time...