Thursday, June 29, 2006


Okay... so yesterday was eventfull... lol i went out with Sara... with every intent on going mini golfing... till i hit that DAMNED LEXUS! but you know what... "it's okay... I hit a Lexus" haha yeah it was pretty funny cause there wasn't any damage at all. anyways so me and her just kinda went driving around till we decided to be stalkers! so i pulled one hell of a shit hook and we tried to follow these two guys in a truck with a couch in the back of it... but well couldn't so we were depressed cause we lost them... but found them! lol not! well we thought it was them. it was a waste of happyness. lol! anyways then we rented some cheesey movies and watched them with the fam. it was a pretty sweet night alll n all...

and tomorrow is definatly the Leanne Rimes, Adam Gregory concert. i'm pretty pumped for that... cause well i can be. the plan is to wash the car, get my make - up done by Tam cause I love her and then putter around all day till it's time to go. yep yep it's going to be pretty sweet. i'd say i'll find me a little cowboy hottie but well there is that matter i'm technically seeing some one... tho currently he's MIA. kinda pisses me off when people say they are going to call and don't... but oh well. i'll get over it.

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