Friday, June 30, 2006

This... is what i think.

okay so... as you all may know... maybe not. Sean is MIA... so naturally there is only so much i can take. i'm going to give it a few more days... till like monday maybe tuesday. then he's out. why you ask? because if he can't take the time to even give me like a 2 min phone call then he's OBVIOUSLY not worth it. and here's a song just cause it's basically how i feel right now. ENJOY!

We had fire in our eyes
In the beginning
INever felt so alive
In the beginning you
You blame me but

It's not fair when you say that I didn't try
I just don't want to hear it anymore
I swear I never meant to let it die
I just don't care about you anymore
It's not fair when you say that I didn't try
I just don't care about you anymore

We had time on our side
In the beginning we
We had nothing to hide
In the beginning you
You blame me but

It's not fair when you say that I didn't try
I just don't want to hear it anymore
I swear I never meant to let it die
I just don't care about you anymore
It's not fair when you say that I didn't try
I just don't care about you anymore

You say that I didn't try(X3)

I swear I never meant to let it die
I just don't care about you anymore
It's not fair when you say that I didn't try
I just don't care about you anymore (till fade out)

Let it die... Three Days Grace

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Okay... so yesterday was eventfull... lol i went out with Sara... with every intent on going mini golfing... till i hit that DAMNED LEXUS! but you know what... "it's okay... I hit a Lexus" haha yeah it was pretty funny cause there wasn't any damage at all. anyways so me and her just kinda went driving around till we decided to be stalkers! so i pulled one hell of a shit hook and we tried to follow these two guys in a truck with a couch in the back of it... but well couldn't so we were depressed cause we lost them... but found them! lol not! well we thought it was them. it was a waste of happyness. lol! anyways then we rented some cheesey movies and watched them with the fam. it was a pretty sweet night alll n all...

and tomorrow is definatly the Leanne Rimes, Adam Gregory concert. i'm pretty pumped for that... cause well i can be. the plan is to wash the car, get my make - up done by Tam cause I love her and then putter around all day till it's time to go. yep yep it's going to be pretty sweet. i'd say i'll find me a little cowboy hottie but well there is that matter i'm technically seeing some one... tho currently he's MIA. kinda pisses me off when people say they are going to call and don't... but oh well. i'll get over it.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

What a weekend...

okay soo... the weekend started out with one hell of a bang! actually the etire week was basically a bang... it all started on wednesday... when my friend Katie Booth won this vodka party on the OverDrive. lol the was one hell of a time, met some nice guys n such. didn't get home till 4am... but thats Seans fault. anyways. thursday was the night out with Raegan, Kate, Sara, and Jess because it was Raegans last night here. (ps. she really misses us. i miss her to) anyways after that i basically came home and crashed....

Friday... i wasn't planning on going on the Jr. Diamondbacks pub crawl but i got talked into it by Curt. lol anyways so when i got home from work i definatly wasn't expecting D-wayne to be home but he definatly was which ment i didn't ahve to drive. major plus on that front. then after that we went to the pat! just cause thats where the crawl was starting. anyways so after getting every one on then bus meeting a few girls and figuring that i knew a bunch of people there (didn't think i would know anyone besides D-wayne and Curt) so yeah we were off to the Scuz. they were having a beer night there but it was still pretty dead. then it was off to the Over Drive, and The long branch after shaking our booty's and a little two stepping it was back to the pat. so after a few more drinks n shots, a bunch of people from the crawl just went to the Scuz. but the people i was with didn't stay all that long they went to Athena's across the street which was good, but then i heard taht my dad was at the scuz so i went to find him. lol hilarious. ran into Brad morgan and his broken self. and just ended up dancing with some random people. then me and dad gave Shaun ripley a ride home, hit the mcdonalds, and woke up mom and brent singing "guan tada mera!!" in the driveway and house really really loud... seemed like a good idea at the time!

Saturday... a little more laid back, sat out on the deck catching some sun, went and did some stuff for my mom's birthday (Sunday) and then went for supper at Montana's. that was pretty good, and then it was off to Beily's. but i definatly didn't drink much cause i had to work today (sunday) so when all of brents friends demanded i drink i just... didn't. lol but after dancing all night in heals i was definatly ready for some sleep, and sleep i did.

This is turnin into somethin I ain't hip to... Baby am I doin to much?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Just a random update

So here i am sitting here listening to "jungle boogie!" hahah ohhh madagascar. how i love you. lol anyways. update. the whole movie issue has been worked out. which is good, i helped Raegan pack all of her stuff in her ass massive suit cases, and went for breakfast this morning with Sean... that was unexpected... well honestly. if some one sent you a text at like 7:45 saying they were bored and asked if you wanted to do something before you had to work... what would you come up with? Breakfast. lol so thats what we did. it was pretty sweet. and he has officially passed the one week mark. i know, i know... this is truely amazing. lol well for me at least.

other than that... nothing really excitting. i'm putting in some over time hours tomorrow (friday) at 10am. but only for 2 hours. and again on sunday from 1 - 5:30. which isn't all that bad. and i'll be making $17 and hour for those days so thats pretty sweet. i love incentives. mind you i prolly should have put in for more hours than i did but really i've been to damned tired to do any more than i've been doing. not coming home till 4 - 5 am and working at like 11, or noon even is rough. but thats my own doing so i really can't complain.

and i definatly got to see most of my extended family that lives in edmonton tonight so that was pretty sweet, they were visiting my senile grandparents. i know thats not very nice, but hey it's true. actually the correct statement would be senile and alzhimers... but who wants to get technical. i shoulda dropped by my OTHER grandparents place and got pie... lol they all live in the same building... thats odd.

I like to move it, move it... ya like to... MOVE IT!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I have a talent...

And that talent is pissing off my friends apparently. Look Kate Sara i'm sorry alright. i'm not going to lie when you guys said we were all going to the Da Vinci's Code tonight i was pretty pumped cause i haven't really seen you guys in a while, so needless to say when you kinda changed plans to go to the earlier one i was pretty pissed and kinda hurt but whatever i'd get over that. so okay you guys change back to the late one and then that made me feel guilty cause you guys both have to work tomorrow morning and i don't so needless to say i don't really give a shit what time the movie starts. and apparently i've pissed you both off cause since you guys were going to the earlier one anyways i made plans to go to the late one anyways with a couple people... so freaking sue me. you guys can go ahead and be mad at me if you want. but you can't say that i didn't really try and fix it. i called you Kate... and all i got was bitched at. thanx. i love you both to.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


So naturally yesterday was Brents 21st birthday... happy birthday to him. it all started when the famliy took him to the Keg for his birthday. them being the kind people they are *hah* waited for me to get there to actually open the gifts. he got some cards... lol can i ride your bike... ANYWAYS a cooler from mom and a shirt from Mel.

then it was Brent, Mel, and I that went to the duece to actually kick off the drinking, mind you it was only like 9pm but still it was a good time. apparently we were meeting a bunch of brent's friends there cause i knew none of those people and we were sitting in that little room just off of the dance floor and it was a good time. so me being the person i am stayed after Mel and Brent left at like... what maybe 11pm? then again brent was already tanked and he had to work today at like 7am... i feel bad. almost. anyways i stayed with Mels friend Nicole, and her b/f (brents friend) Graham. so around midnight i was supposed to meet this guy Mike there ... but he was a no show... actually i think he came around one but i was already... well... his name is Sean. This was all Graham and Nicoles doing. so i spent the entire time dancing stealing hats and drinking... WATER!! HAH! why water? because i had lil red... for the last time. *sniff* yes... curt has sold the truck... i'm going to miss that crap trap. lol. anyways so after Sean and Graham got us kicked outta the Duece at like 1:30 we just kinda stood outside for a little while. so when the time came i gave him my number and with some difficulty went home (he didn't wanna let go) anyways so i get basically home and my phone rings. sean was making sure i was good to drive. lol or at least thats what he told me. anyways stayed up till aroudn 4am talking to him... well actually he was talking. i was just kinda laying there laughing. but yeah... i dunno how long this is gunna last mainly because you all know me and i go through guys like candy.

Praying for love in a lapdance!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Random weekend!

Okay so Friday was the bestest of random nights. after i got off work i picked up Sara and we went for ice cream with Brad... because he's broken we picked him up and had our ice cream. lol man that was some good stuff. anyways, after we dropped him off so he could party at his house we went back to mine so i could put pants on cause i like pants... but not really. ANYWAYS! so me and sara did the only thing we could think of... lol went to 8th street to well drive around.

so naturally we were driving around listening to just random music, mostly chick music you know what i'm talking about. Rihanna? lol yeah. thats right. we went there! anyways we saw this guy in a Camaro... oh dang. nice car. so we were driving along side him for a while n such then we lost him. kinda sad bout that. but they well we saw these 3 guys on crotch rockets. totaly hott to. so we pull up beside the one then what does he do? looks over at us gives us 'the nodd' lol and pops a wheelie for like a block. if i could have i would have jizzed my pants right there.

so after driving around a little more looking for those 3 guys, we saw some 3 guys on crotch rockets and naturally assumed that it was the same guys. lol totaly not. but thats okay they were nice and well they had hott bikes. anyways after asking us if we wanted to go for a ride and us telling them that we didn't have helmets we left and went in search of something else. and who should we find but... CAMARO GUY! thats what we were calling him. so after a short conversation while driving where he basically asked us where we went sara telling him that we were looking for him and me saying we were hiding. we pulled over and well... me and sara got into his car. and we drove around for a little while talking with him (his actual name is Mike)

then finally the night had to come to an end... so i exchanged numbers with Mike and was off. and then dropped my car off at home and drove around with Mikey for a little while. and that was basically the end of my friday night...

Saturday night wasn't quite so exciting but still good, i went to a movie with Jackie, Andrew, Simon and some guy that works at the source in lawson mall... long story short he got my number from a return i did and called me. creepy. anyways after that Jackie, Andrew, Simon and I picked up David from work and went to some ones house that i don't remember her name, but a really nice girl... i think it was Megan. anyways, after standing in the street and blowing bubbles and making fun of Alexander. we walked to Alex's house with him and Jordan and we all went for McDonalds and just basically talked for a while, and there was definatly a phone call from Mike (same one from above) and well that was good, you know the whole what have you been up to today and all that jazz but it was nice then after we were done at mc dicks they dropped me off at my car (i've actually been driving Curts car) and i came home and went to bed...

All your gunna get from me is what you see, cause i'm an original girl!