Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Some one say Dominican? or was it Mexico?

FUCKIN EH!! so Sara, Kate, and Myself have firmed up our plans to go to the dominican next May. the best part about that is thanx to my job we get a kick ass hotel room for dirt effin cheap! i love it. now all we need to do is get flights... and possibly another person to come with us.

as nice as that hotel is unfortunatly you can only have a max of 2 ppl per room. so since we spent all last night figuring out what it would cost for 3 ppl to split a room then it's going to throw it off. but really i was going to budget for about 5,000 for that entire trip. so i guess it looks like i'll just have a little less spending money. and the best part... HOLIDAY PAY! i love that. i get paid to go on vacation!

In addition to that my family wants to go to mexico late march next year! i'm pretty pumped about that... BUT! if i don't have the cash. i'm not going. mind you i did manage to snag a room in the marriott in Puerto Vallarta for like 85us. which is effin awesome aswell. so naturally i have to see if i can take that much time off work... and lol the main thing... how much money thats going to cost me.

so as of now my social life is been cut out... well the spending aspect of it anyways. cause naturally i can't go around spending all this cash if i wanna go on all of these trips. but oh well this is going to be soooo worth it. because i'm finally gettin outta here. don't get me wrong but i needed a little excitement in my life. and i know these trips aren't anytime in the near future at all BUT! hell if it gives me something to look forward to at all. then i'm totaly down for that.

What happens in mexico... Stays down in mexico... (unless it's in the dominican! ohhh!)

Sunday, May 28, 2006

What a night...

Allll righty then so last night was definatly killer! lol started drinking around 7pm and then i only got drunker. lol in total there was only like 6 people at my house. Sara, Carter, Raegan, Will, Jordan, Alexander and myself were the main people. well... and Brent to when he came home. lol but he doesn't count. ANYWAYS! so there was dancing, and swinging, and just random drunken ness. i loved it. defiantly missed that.

so naturally i had be planning on becoming single that night, so i asked my life advisor...Sara. lol what the best thing to say would be... naturally she came up with something amazing. the whole phone call lasted about 2 min... and after it was done i was just that kinda drunk and happy about it... i jumped up and mounted/hugged Carter... lol

some where in the night we went for a walk. Me, Sara, Raegan, and Will. Later joined by Carter! lol there was "flashing" cars, peeing in bushes we were showin each other some love and well just random conversation! definatly an amazing time.

then after the walk Jordan, and Alexander came back and brought non other than JACKIE!! it was great! lol but by then Brent was in bed and most of us were rediculously drunk. giggidy? where was Kate in all of this you ask? lol she was passed out on a couch somewhere... we called her earlier in the night. oh well. Kate needed her sleep! that happens.

anyways you know it's really funny when your making out with some one... lol well it's really akward and emabarassing when your BROTHER catches you... thats right. but well i heard him coming and tried to put my shirt back on but i wasn't fast enough... damn drunkness... lol apparently he saw us making out on the couch before we moved to. so wrong. Mel his g/f was a definate supporter of me doing what i want. lol as long as there was no sex. which there wasn't so she was like well... was he hot? i love that girl. she was drunk to!

anyways. the next morning was hell. after every one went home i cleaned up the house which really was suprisingly clean and went to bed at like 3am. anways this morning at like 9am was definatly waaaay to early. usually i can sleep in and don't get hung over... well... i forgot how much they suck. cause i had one this morning. i was gone by the time i had to work at 11 but still... lol the people at work were making fun of me for it. wankers! oh well. it was a slow day and could just sit there and read and do nothing really. GLORIOUS!

I drink more than you... party hard than you do... and my car's faster than yours to!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My life...

So as some of you may i know i've been seeing a guy lately. He shall remain nameless for the point of the rant. Classical me coming into play here. tho not really. well here let me explain my dating past for you all...

i tend to do a few things. and mostly i've just thought it was commitment issues... which may be part of it. but lately i've noticed that the guys i tend to go for i can't really have a conversation with. or can't stand to be around for extened periods of time alone. so really these are dead end relationships from the begining. basically like the one i'm in now. i like spending time with him, unfortunatly it's never just us. it's usually at the bar, or with his friends or something. i just... uhg. i feel like there is something missing in the relationship. i guess i notice this very soon usually and end it or just avoid them... which really isn't fair to them but thats just the way i am. then there is the whole thing that never really works out with the guys that i can actually talk to and just be alone with... we won't get into the whole "Clay" disaster. i guess i'm screwed either way. my standards are apparently very high and either it doesn't work out with the ones who i deam worthy or i just don't feel anything for them really.

maybe i talk myself into thinking i like them... that could be right... because i don't really date any one then i get lonely and talk myself into liking some one for the fact of just having some one then i realize that it just doesn't work and end up alone again anyways. man i am fucked up. *insert long stress filled sigh* i hate it when i finally figure these things out. i think the other reason i talk myself into liking some one is because i look around and see my friends and the fact that my two best friends are in serious relationships and just feel left out in that respect. i guess i should just stop jumping into things like i usually do and maybe just slow down with the whole thing. but me being the person i am... really sucks.

Take this on this straighjacket feeling...

Musically Speaking!

Directions:Put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating!

How am I feeling today?
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer *George Thorogood*

Will I get far in life?
Breaking the habit *Linkin Park*

How do my friends see me?
The Call *The Backstreet Boys*

When will I get Married?
Magic *Charlie Wilson*

What's my best friend's theme song?
Tonight she comes *The Cars*

What is the story of my life?
All over you *Kaci*

What is/was highschool like?
I had one one time *Josh Turner*

How can I get ahead in life?
No one loves you *Atomic Kitten*

What is the best thing about me?
The last cowboy song *The highway men*

How is today going to be?
Have a drink on me *AC/DC*

What is in store for this weekend?
Go ride *Limblifter*

What song describes my parents?
Having a party *Rod Stewart*

What song descirbes my grandparents?
There you go *Pink*

How is my life going?
Mean ole' world *BB king*

What song will they play at my funeral?
Bad Day *Daniel Powter*

How does the world see me?
Sugar high *Coyote Shivers*

Will I have a happy life?
No Sex *Limp Bizkit*

What song describes my relationships with my friends?
Who I am *Jessica Andrews*

What song describes my romantic status?
I ran (So far away) *Bowling for soup*

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Long Branch!

Okays... so since last night was a thursday and unfortunatly Kate was sick. I went out with... CURT! haha thats right. i went out with my brother and his friends. that was an interesting time. we started out going to bridges and then it was off the the Long Branch. So there I am standing by Curt, and Tam (both over 6 feet tall) and Eric... lol he stands around 5'7 ish. so i wasn't the shortest one. anyways there we are basically all drinking rum n coke. basically just kinda standing around talking. well i was half looking for sean. lol

so when i spotted sean (i had told him earlier to look for the really really tall girl... Tam) lol so when i pointed him out she started waving his face was priceless. he was like wtf... lol. any ways then D-wayne showed up! i know what most of you are thinking... who goes to the bar with their dad? well i do. lol he's just that kinda person. anyways so i introduced sean to every one then Erics cousins showed up. lol friggen to many of the same names. There was Chris, Curtis, Petey, and Eric. what a family. oh yeah and some guy i can't remember his name. anyways.

So there i am standing around talking with a friend of the family Shane, and some guy named Don that my dad knows, when who should i see but Kristin Johns. lol i attacked her. and she wanted me to do a shot but i grabbed Tam and hung on so she couldn't pull me to the bar... i had to drive and had qiut drinking some time ago. she thought i was just being a pansy. lol lets recap how much i had drank... a Malabu Paralizer, 2 rum n coke, a shot of tequila, a cherry soemthing or other, and a straight whisky shot... wow... i drank more than a thought i did... but i had a big supper and most of that was in the first 2 hours... and i didn't leave till around 1:30. and didn't get home till around 2... i had to drive sean home.

I shaved my legs, I payed my money... Play something country!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Fun filled Saturday night.

Well... last night was pretty random. lol. Nick from the lake called and i picked up Raegan and we went a played some pool. Saw Devin and Simon, and devins new g/f she's a lil cutie. lol anyways went back and ordered a couple of porn stars (the drinks guys) and then who should i see but freak Evan Newfeld... i'm pretty sure thats how you spell his last name... anyways talked with him for a bit and lol then i left and told him i would see him in like 5months. cause thats basically when i see him. lol

anyways me and Raegan left the hooker snatch and went to the rookie lacrosse party, Congrats Brennan on making Captain by the way anyways i took one of the drunken rookies to go get a slush nice guy, i think his name was Jordan, any how since Jason (a guy on the time) was attacking me and Raegan with an effing spatula we decided to book it. and well Raegan had to work early the next day, so then i called Sean and went to Bailey's. that was a pretty good time. saw my cousin April, my brothers ex girlfriend who i think is an absolute doll Ladeen. and one of Curts friends girlfriends. lol Carman. she's a sweety to. anyways my cousin April is hilarious when she is drunk.

but yes after a little drinking, and a lot of laughing i took Sean and his friend home, well... actually i dropped off his friend and then took him home cause we decided he shouldn't drive. and now here i am ready for lunch with my senile grandparents. i know thats kinda mean... but true. and i definatly still love them and their forgetfullness.

Dj won't you play this girl a love song...

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Sickness....

Well... it happened... damnit. i'm sick. you think this would have happened sooner since my entire family has had it for like a week... i guess i missed it since i was never home. lol
but no. i still got it. and it hit me at work yesterday. just sitting there minding my own buisness taking phone calls from the stupid people. and i felt all funny all over, my head hurt, and it hurt to swallow... fuck. oh well.

i'll take a bunch of stuff like Vitamin C and fight this shit off... nothing is going to slow me down!! *insert evil laugh* lol but not really.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Stress relief

Ever had one of those days where no matter what happens everything seems to be good? yeah. i had one of those today. absolutly amazing. honestly. i was feeling kinda down lately because well guys are dumb, BUT! then yesterday it was my friend Katies birthday bash at the Duece. so naturally we were dancing up a storm as the only ones on the dance floor and man did it just feel good to let go. definatly just didn't care.

so after i got all hot n sweaty. Dancing people... just dancing. lol i went outside with... can't remember his name, ANYWAYS, he was hitting on me and i definatly didn't care why? cause i saw matty. thats right Mathew "Samual L. Jackson" Peterson! so i jumped up and hugged him. what else was i supposed to do? lol it's matty. anyways after going back inside and dancing some more and just being random and leading around a drunken Katie i found one hell of a hot guy to dance with... my story will end there. lol really. thats all there is. it was just an amazing night. and a thank you to the guy i danced with becuase i really needed what he offered.

O, what may man within him hide, Though angel on the outward side

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A weekend in general

So this weekend was pretty sweet. Friday i met Andrew, Alexander, Jordan, Megan... and another girl who i can't remember her name... any ways I met them at Mystic Java on 8th and then basically as soon as i got there we were off to the University... don't ask me why we went there but it was definatly a good time we wandered around on a sugar high because we definatly went and got slushes from the cove. so naturally we went and were dancing around to ring tones... haha that was definatly a good time... i think we scared this one girl cause she walked by us while we were dancing... there was also molesting of statues... running, and well basically doing nothing really.

saturday was basically a little more exciting i had to go to work so i got there and cut out early but thats nothing really new and then i came home and changed in to jeans and well then it was off to Raegans fashion show. which was actually really good, ohhhh those backstreet boys... hahah anyways so after that we dropped off Kate and Jess and me and Raegan went and grabbed some food from Kelsey's with my family because well it was a friend's 40th. after that we went and hit her cast party for the fashion show, and man am i glad i don't have to deal with anything like that any more... i cannot take all that damned drama. anyways after that we went to another house party cause i knew some people who really wanted me to come out with them but then Raegan knew one of the girls that was there and it didn't go over well so we ended up at timmy hoes with Adam and well just chilled there for a bit it was a good time.

and today being the glorious day of sunday is definatly not so exciting i got up and cleaned a little, my grandparents came over and i made supper and now i'm sitting here thinking how much i hate it when people don't call me... definately something that pisses me off... oh well this weekend has been random enough as it is. maybe i'm just ment to go through life alone? as i was talking to Graham how true it is when i said "i laugh at others misfortune to hide my own personal pain"

the one that got away....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What... The... Duece?

Okay so last night was a night out with Whit, and Gerrit, and Karren and a mass of other people. So after work i booked it over to Whit's so that we could get all bar star'd up and did we ever. even did a little pre bar drinking. so then we were just waiting for Gerrit. after we were all at Whits we got her dad to drive us... we walked in and the bouncers were all like "hello ladies" so naturally, i turned to Gerrit and told him they were talking to him to. it was great. so then after checkin of the coats we went and found a place to sit and kept on with the drinking.

so they we were finding some cuties to dance with and did we ever find some. best night ever just hitting on every guy we could see that was cute and it just didn't matter. it was our night of no strings attached drinking, dancing, and just being dumb. so around 2am when it started to slow down and the taste in music went more to techno, after "i'm in love with a stripper" and dancing with Steve Irenecie (i have no idea how to spell his last name) we got a cab back to Whits, watched TV for a little while and kicked Gerrit out of the place and we went to bed. and damn was that a good sleep.

and this morning... her mom made us pancakes...